Food Archive
Celebrate National Pie Day with Vegan Pie!
In Food
January 23rd is National Pie Day! This “holiday” was created in 1986 by the National Pie Council, an organization committed to “preserving America’s pie heritage and promoting America’s love affair with the food”. Pies have a long and illustrious past, but sweet dessert pies are a relatively new development in
Coconut: The World’s Most Versatile Ingredient
In Food
VHP author Amber Shea Crawley is here to day to tell us all about the world’s most versatile ingredient: the coconut! Not only is coconut delicious in all its myriad forms, it’s also one of the most versatile and multipurpose foods on the planet. Here are some
Eat Nuts for Better Health
In Food
A new report in the New England Journal of medicine shows that nuts are good for both health and longevity. The report was based on combined findings from the Harvard Nurses’s Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which together have followed nearly 119,000 women and men for
Fall Cooking with Nut Butter Universe
In Food
Nut Butter Universe by Robin Robertson is a must-have for fall and holiday cooking! It is filled with creative ways to make luscious, protein-rich recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks. These recipes use delectable butters made from cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamias, chestnuts, almonds, and more, including
Nuts for National Nut Day!
In Food
Today is National Nut Day! While we’re not really sure how the “holiday” actually started, it’s one day that we can really get behind! Nuts are packed with nutrients, making them a great addition to healthy diet. Nuts nut butters are loaded with protein, calcium, potassium, essential fatty
Make Homemade Halloween Candy with Nut Butter Universe
In Food
By now, you probably know that Robin Robertons’s wonderful cookbook Nut Butter Universe is full of recipes for delicious soups, breakfast dishes, sandwiches and dinner entrees, but did you know that there’s also a chapter full of sweet treats that make droll-worthy Halloween candy? Finding vegan
10 Delicious Soups and Stews for Fall
In Food
With fall weather comes the desire to cozy up with warm sweaters and a bowl of piping hot soup. Whether your craving a thick and hearty stew or a rich and creamy bisque, we at Vegan Heritage Press have all of your autumn soup needs covered with
5 Ways to Enjoy Pumpkin
In Food
It used to be that pumpkins were used solely for decorating the front porch for Halloween and making pies at Thanksgiving. That’s changed over the last few years, with pumpkin moving on to the dinner table, the soup bowl, the dessert dish and even the coffee mug.
Nuts and Seeds in Raw Food Desserts by Amber Shea Crawley
In Food
Today we have a guest post from Amber Shea Crawley, author of Practically Raw and Practically Raw Desserts. Amber was classically trained in the art of gourmet living cuisine at the world-renowned Matthew Kenney Academy, graduating in 2010 as a certified raw and vegan chef. In 2011,
Vegan Grilling
In Food
For the longest time, it was believed that the barbecue grill was to be used solely for cooking meat. We vegans know that’s not true, and it’s time for us to take back the grill! Just about every food in the plant kingdom can be grilled –