Food Archive
20 Vegan Easter Recipes
Since most holidays tend to be food-centric, with traditional family meals taking center stage, they can be tough days for vegans. A little forethought and planning can help get you through the day, though. Easter can be a great day to impress omnivores with delicious vegan food,
5 Vegan Recipes for National Chip and Dip Day
March 23rd is National Chip and Dip Day. While chips and dip have become an iconic American party snack, people across the globe have actually been dipping their food into sweet and savory sauces for centuries. Some of the first dip recipes that have been found are for hummus-like dips
5 Recipes for Your Vegan Valentine’s Day Menu
It can be difficult to figure out what to make for Valentine’s Day dinner when you’re vegan but your significant other is an omnivore. In their book The Lusty Vegan Ayindé Howell and Zoë Eisenberg tackle the problems of inter-palate partnering with personal narratives, tips, tricks, and delicious recipes that will please just
5 Vegan Pie Recipes for National Pie Day
In Food
January 23rd is National Pie Day! This sweet holiday was established in 1986 by the National Pie Council, an organization committed to “preserving America’s pie heritage and promoting America’s love affair with the food”. When we think of pie we tend to think of dessert, but traditionally pies have been a savory, meat-filled dish.
Five Ways to Enjoy National Coffee Break Day
In Food
January 20th is National Coffee Break Day! This holiday started in 2011 by the National Coffee Association as a way to celebrate their 100 year anniversary in the food service industry. The coffee break has an interesting history. It was started in 1880 by working women in Stoughton, WI
Four Ways to Enjoy Avocados
In Food
There’s good news and bad news for avocado lovers. The good news is that a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association shows that eating an avocado a day can reduce bad cholesterol in overweight and obese people. Avocados usually get a bad wrap
5 Vegan Cakes for National Cake Day
It’s National Cake Day! We’re excited about celebrating one of our favorite desserts – cake. Cake, as we know and love it today, evolved from early leavened breads, which were sweetened with honey, fruit, and nuts. The word “cake” comes from the Old Norse word “kaka,” which means
6 Recipes for a Vegan Thanksgiving
In Food
Thanksgiving is just two weeks away, and people all across the country are preparing for the annual autumn feast. This can be a tough holiday for vegans, but with a little planning and patience it can turn into a great day. This is a great opportunity to impress omnivores with delicious vegan food, so we’ve
Five Vegan Tacos Recipes for National Tacos Day
In Food
October 4th is National Tacos Day! What better way to celebrate than with Jason Wyrick’s best selling cookbook Vegan Tacos. The recipes found in Vegan Tacos are based on genuine recipe Jason gathered while traveling across Mexico, and they allow you to make authentic tacos using plant-based ingredients. With Vegan Tacos,
Five Ingredients to Make Your Vegan Tacos Pop and Sizzle
In Food
Todays’ guest post comes from Vegan Tacos author Jason Wyrick. Jason is here to share his tips on hot to make your tacos pop and sizzle. Jason is an executive chef, cooking teacher, caterer, a former diabetic, and founder of the world’s first vegan food magazine, The Vegan Culinary