Book News Archive
When People Publish Content That’s Not Theirs
In Book News
This post was prompted by the discovery of a Kindle e-book that lifted its content from a popular vegan blog. The offending book can be found here, and an astute reader will immediately see that not only did the plagiarist dupe the content from Susan Voisin’s FatFreeVegan
Practically Raw: The Smart Way to “Go Raw”
In Book News
I first became exposed to the benefits of raw foods more than 12 years ago when I attended several raw potlucks that hosted guest speakers such as David Wolfe, Loren Lockman, and many others. I came away from those experiences realizing two things: 1) I wanted
News from Vegan Heritage Press
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The new year is shaping up to be a busy one for Vegan Heritage Press and its authors. Tamasin Noyes, author of American Vegan Kitchen is hosting a giveaway on her Vegan Appetite blog to win a copy of Bryanna Clark Grogan’s new book World Vegan Feast.
Coming Soon: Practically Raw
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I am happy to announce the newest title to be published by Vegan Heritage Press. Practically Raw: Flexible Raw Recipes Anyone Can Make by Amber Shea Crawley is scheduled for release in early March of this year. Practically Raw delivers a revolutionary flexible approach to
World Vegan Feast – top 5 cookbooks of 2011
In Book News
Food columnist Grant Butler of Portland’s Oregonian, included Bryanna Clark Grogan’s World Vegan Feast in his top-five favorite picks for 2011 cookbooks. Touting World Vegan Feast as “the first [book] in almost a decade from one of the pioneers of ambitious plant-based cooking,” Grant described the directions
News from Vegan Heritage Press
In Book News
Things have been hectic here at the press as we prepare our next new title for an early Spring release. More on that soon! In the meantime, our Vegan Heritage Press authors have been busy, busy, busy: American Vegan Kitchen author, Tamasin Noyes, was recently featured on
World Vegan Feast – What They’re Saying…
In Book News
World Vegan Feast author, Bryanna Clark Grogan is truly an expert on vegan cooking and has 20 years of experience and research to back that up. But don’t take my word for it. See what some prominent vegan authors and chefs have to say about World Vegan
Where Can You Buy World Vegan Feast?
In Book News
Vegan Heritage Press is happy to announce that Bryanna Clark Grogan’s new book, World Vegan Feast, is officially in print! It literally rolled off the presses this week. So, where can you find it? Since the ink was barely dry just one week ago, it’s little short
World Vegan Feast Arrives on Auspicious Day
In Book News
Yesterday, we received delivery of our latest title, Bryanna Clark Grogan’s World Vegan Feast: 200 Fabulous Recipes from Over 50 Countries, and the book is gorgeous. This is Bryanna’s first cookbook since 2002, and has been eagerly anticipated by her fans. In World Vegan Feast, Bryanna shares
Vegan Fire and Spice Goes For 8th Printing
In Book News
I’m pleased to announce that Vegan Heritage Press recently placed an order for the 8th printing of Robin Robertson’s Vegan Fire & Spice. Since it was first published in January 2008, the title remains the premiere guide for spicy international vegan cooking. Organized by global region,