California Blackout: Another Reason to Have Vegan Unplugged
In Events
Another blackout in California? Vegan Unplugged is your best friend any time the power goes out. We’re offering this practical book with delicious recipes in a 2-for-1 BOGO through November. It’s a great deal, and can help you eat well anytime you’re without electricity – or anytime
Cookbook Giveaway: Vegan Unplugged
In Giveaway
This week, Vegan Heritage Press is sponsoring a giveaway of our power-outage, emergency pantry cookbook: Vegan Unplugged: A Pantry Cuisine Cookbook and Survival Guide by Jon Robertson (with recipes by Robin Robertson). The response has been so good to our 2-for-1 special on this book (ordered through
Vegan Unplugged Hurricane Season Special!
In Events
Hurricane Irene left 3 million people without power. As we used to live in Virginia Beach, we know the misery that can bring. For that reason, I wanted to make Vegan Unplugged especially affordable through hurricane season. Until November 1, if you buy 1 copy of Vegan
Ginger-Walnut Rum Balls
In Recipes
I hope everyone in the path of the hurricane is safe. Since so many people are without power, I thought I’d post a recipe from Vegan Unplugged to help make like a little sweeter. These little rum balls were a tasty treat that was one of our
Be Prepared—with Vegan Unplugged
In Events
Over the next few days, Hurricane Irene will come charging up the East Coast. After the recent earthquake, she must have thought she’d be welcome here. Well, she’s not. But since she has her mind made up, I wanted to remind everyone about a book I wrote
Blooming Platter Cookbook – Sold-Out SRO Booksigning
Congratulations are in order for Vegan Heritage Press author, Betsy DiJulio on the success of her recent book-signing for The Blooming Platter Cookbook at the Barnes and Noble in Virginia Beach. It was a standing-room-only crowd, and the books sold out quickly. Read all about it here
World Vegan Feast – What They’re Saying…
In Book News
World Vegan Feast author, Bryanna Clark Grogan is truly an expert on vegan cooking and has 20 years of experience and research to back that up. But don’t take my word for it. See what some prominent vegan authors and chefs have to say about World Vegan
Where Can You Buy World Vegan Feast?
In Book News
Vegan Heritage Press is happy to announce that Bryanna Clark Grogan’s new book, World Vegan Feast, is officially in print! It literally rolled off the presses this week. So, where can you find it? Since the ink was barely dry just one week ago, it’s little short
World Vegan Feast Arrives on Auspicious Day
In Book News
Yesterday, we received delivery of our latest title, Bryanna Clark Grogan’s World Vegan Feast: 200 Fabulous Recipes from Over 50 Countries, and the book is gorgeous. This is Bryanna’s first cookbook since 2002, and has been eagerly anticipated by her fans. In World Vegan Feast, Bryanna shares
A Quiet Hurricane Season — So Far
In Events
Tropical storm Dan marks only the fourth this season, which runs from June to November. By contrast, in 2005, a record-breaking year, we recorded 27 tropical storms and 15 hurricanes, 7 of them major, including Dennis, Katrina, Emily, Rita, and Wilma. Although 2011 has had a quiet