Events Archive
Thanksgiving Dinner Menu
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Thanksgiving is just a few days away and families across the U.S. are preparing to gather for the annual feast. While some people may think Thanksgiving dinner is a little strange without a turkey, vegans know that it’s really all of the side and trimmings that make
5 Tips to Surviving Thanksgiving as a Vegan
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Thanksgiving can be a tough holiday for vegans as it’s a food related holiday that traditionally revolves around a dead bird on the table. It can be a stressful day, but it doesn’t have to be. Rather than focusing on what you don’t like about the day,
Hurricane Sandy, 1 Year Later
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A year ago today Hurricane Sandy swept across the United States, causing massive destruction and devastation along the way. The storm caused close to 150 deaths and damaged or destroyed an estimated 650,000 homes. 24 states were affected, including the entire eastern seaboard from Florida to Maine and west across the Appalachian Mountains to Michigan and Wisconsin,
Fall Cooking with Practically Raw
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Amber Shea Crawley’s book Practically Raw, which just went into its 5th printing, is perfect for preparing light summer meals as the recipes can easily be made without turning on your oven and heating up your kitchen, but now that fall is here, most people are craving
Nut Butter Universe Blog Tour
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Robin Robertson will be hitting the road, er… the internet next week to promote her cookbook Nut Butter Universe. Nut Butter Universe has tons of recipes for warm and hearty fall dishes, and Robin will be sharing some of the them with her blog tour hosts next
10 Year Anniversary of the Northeast Blackout
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This week saw anniversary of the Northeast Blackout. On August 14th, 2003, about 50 million people from Ohio to New England and even into Michigan and Ontario, Canada lost power. New York City commuters had to walk miles home across bridges or face being stranded, as the
Go Back to School With Nut Butter Universe
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It’s back to school season! Here in the US, children in the Midwest are already heading back to class, while those who live on the East and West Coasts are preparing to go back soon. School lunches can be tough for children who on a meatless diet,
Go Back to College With Vegan Unplugged
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August is here and college students everywhere are packing up and preparing to head back to school. College living often comes with mealtime challenges. Options are often limited to eating in a campus dining hall, eating fast food or trying to cook up something simple back in
Keeping Cool in the Kitchen the Practically Raw Way
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Most of the U.S. is smack in the middle of a brutal heatwave this week. It’s so hot you could fry a slab of tofu on sidewalk, if you were into that type of thing. With temperatures in the upper 90s and low 100s, most people
How to Prepare for a Zombie Invasion, Vegan Style
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If life imitates art, we’re well over-due for a Zombie Invasion of epic proportions. With World War Z hitting theaters soon and the popularity of The Walking Dead on on the rise, even the CDC is taking notice with zombie preparedness posts. We vegans have to be