Vegan Unplugged has been revised and is now called Cook the Pantry. Click here for more information.
gan Unplugged
Great Nutritious Pantry-Cooking Meals in 15 Minutes or Less
No fridge? No stove? No time? Take the Easy Way to Quick, Sensational Recipes!
Kindle Version
Vegan Unplugged is your go-to pantry cookbook for a variety of real-life scenarios. Eat well when you don’t feel like cooking or if you don’t know how to cook. Make tasty meals whenever you’re on the road, visiting non-vegans, camping, or any time the power goes out.
Let Vegan Unplugged show you how to prepare gourmet-quality meals with pantry ingredients in fifteen minutes or less. Use the Five-Day Meal Box to feed up to four people for five days. Build your own personalized home pantry for any emergency.
The instructions are simple and the meals are easy. Make great Pantry Cuisine dishes such as Almost-Instant Black Bean Chili, Pantry Pasta Salad, Fire-Roasted Blueberry Cobbler, and many more developed by chef and author Robin Robertson.
This book is a must have for all vegans, and anyone else who wants to discover the ease and practicality of great-tasting, nutritious Pantry Cuisine.Vegan Unplugged also features a concise emergency preparedness section for you, your family, and your companion animals.
Vegan Heritage Press
Paperback: (ISBN: 978-0-9800131-2-2) $14.95
216 pages, 7 1/2″ x 7 1/2″ x .5″
See Robin’s blog and website at: