Vegan Chocolate-Peanut Bacon Truffles

Peanut butter. Chocolate. Baconish Bits. These truffles from Baconish by Leinana Two Moons are like a grownup version of peanut butter cups. They are surprisingly easy to make and super fun to box up and give as gifts. They make a great Father’s Day present for Dad! Chocolate-Peanut Bacon Truffles

Vegan White Bean and Spinach Quesadillas

Frozen spinach and canned white beans combine with garlic and spices to make a delectable filling for these hearty White Bean and Spinach Quesadillas from Cook the Pantry by Robin Robertson. No cheese needed. Serve with your favorite salsa. White Bean and Spinach Quesadillas Makes 2 servings Ingredients 1

Vegan Cherry Garcia Soft-Serve

This vegan version of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream from The Abundance Diet by Somer McCowan is a delicious, refreshing, and guilt-free soft-serve dessert. Cherry Garcia Soft-Serve Makes 4 servings Ingredients 4 medium-sized bananas, cut into 1-inch pieces and frozen 1 cup frozen cherries 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon

20 Vegan Recipes for Cookouts and Picnics

Memorial Day is less than a week away. It’s the unofficial start of summer, and the official start of cookout and picnic season. People across the country will be heading to their backyards to fire up the grill for cookouts, or they’ll be gathering in parks for picnics and

The Famous Coconut BLT

This Coconut BLT from Baconish by Leinana Two Moons will make any vegan-bacon skeptic a true believer. Because Coconut Bacon will become less crisp the longer you store it, we recommend making it just ahead of preparing your sandwiches. The Famous Coconut BLT Makes 4 sandwiches Ingredients 8 slices sandwich

Vegan Hearts of Palm Ceviche

Hearts of palm stand in for raw fish in this plant-powered version of the classic South American dish from Cook the Pantry by Robin Robertson. If you like heat, add the jalapeno – if not, leave it out. The avocado is an optional but delicious inclusion. This makes a great

Vegan Cactus Tacos

Nopales are prickly pear cactus pads. They take some care to work with properly, but when you do, they are amazing. They have just a little tang and a nice bright flavor. Fresh nopales can usually be found at a Mexican market. These Cactus Tacos from Vegan Tacos by

Baconish Blog Tour

Baconish by Leinana Two Moons was published last week, and to celebrate, Leinana is going on tour. A blog tour that is! She’ll be touring the internet for the next few weeks, sharing recipes and offering chances to win copies of her book.   Here’s where the Baconish blog tour will be stopping: Glue and Glitter

Vegan Bacon Pancake Dippers from Baconish

Healthy vegan bacon is here! Now you can enjoy that salty, smoky, crispy yum made with healthy plant-based ingredients. It’s all in the seasonings, and the recipes in Baconish by Leinana Two Moons are loaded with decadently delicious bacony flavor. Baconish is now available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and your favorite independent bookstore.

Vegan Blueberry Scones

Scones are a relative of biscuits. They are tender, flaky, and light. These scones from Everyday Vegan Eats by Zsu Dever have the added benefits of blueberries and lemon. The glaze is completely optional, but even just a little bit is delightful; it adds a sweet, lemony zing and