Author Archive
News from Vegan Heritage Press
In Book News
Things have been hectic here at the press as we prepare our next new title for an early Spring release. More on that soon! In the meantime, our Vegan Heritage Press authors have been busy, busy, busy: American Vegan Kitchen author, Tamasin Noyes, was recently featured on
Avoid Winter Woes!
In Events
Here it is November 6, and thousands of people are still without power from the snowstorm at the end of last month (see Thursday’s Huff Post Green article for the latest state-by-state tally). This post is just a reminder of what’s to come. Winter officially begins in
Vegan Unplugged recipe on GoDairyFree.Org
In Food
The recipe for this quick-and-easy Pasta with Pumpkin Sauce and Walnuts from Vegan Unplugged was recently featured on GoDairyFree.Org. Be sure to check it out–it’s incredibly delicious and ideal for fall! Also, be sure to take advantage of the 2-for-1 special for Vegan Unplugged. The offer ends
Spinach Fritters and a BOGO, too.
In Recipes
With Hurricane Ophelia bearing down on Bermuda, this is a good time to remember how important it is to prepare ahead with Vegan Unplugged: A Pantry Cuisine Cookbook and Survival Guide by Jon Robertson with recipes by Robin Robertson. Another big plus is that through November, Vegan
Vegan in Baltimore
In Food
Robin and I spent the weekend in very impressive downtown Baltimore. On Friday, we attended the Natural Products Expo at the convention center. On Saturday, we gave a cooking demo from our books Vegan Fire & Spice and Vegan Unplugged at the Baltimore Book Festival. (I publish
Butternut Squash Bisque with Cranberry Gremolata
In Recipes
Just in time for cozy autumn cooking, here’s a fantastic recipe for Butternut Squash Bisque with Cranberry Gremolata. It’s one of the many seasonal recipes from The Blooming Platter Cookbook by Betsy DiJulio. If you’re looking for creative new ways to prepare butternut squash and
Versatile Black Bean Burgers
In Recipes
Versatile is the new black. At least when it comes to the recipe for black bean patties in Vegan Unplugged. That recipe is one of the most popular in the book, and it lends itself to lots of variations. The recipe originated during Hurricane Isabel back in
Vegan Unplugged Giveaway Winner!
In Giveaway
Yes, we have a winner! But first, many thanks to all of you who entered the Giveaway to win 2 copies of Vegan Unplugged. You all had such great ideas for ways to share your second copy. If I had to choose a winner myself, I’d have
California Blackout: Another Reason to Have Vegan Unplugged
In Events
Another blackout in California? Vegan Unplugged is your best friend any time the power goes out. We’re offering this practical book with delicious recipes in a 2-for-1 BOGO through November. It’s a great deal, and can help you eat well anytime you’re without electricity – or anytime
Cookbook Giveaway: Vegan Unplugged
In Giveaway
This week, Vegan Heritage Press is sponsoring a giveaway of our power-outage, emergency pantry cookbook: Vegan Unplugged: A Pantry Cuisine Cookbook and Survival Guide by Jon Robertson (with recipes by Robin Robertson). The response has been so good to our 2-for-1 special on this book (ordered through